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Babyshower Games
Baby Shower Memory & Guessing Games
Fun Baby Shower Games

Baby Gifts & Fun

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Baby Checklist
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Baby Shower Gifts
Baby Shower Favors
Baby Shower Games 1
Baby Shower Games 2

Baby Shower Prep & Fun

Shower Invitations
Baby Shower Invitations
Fun, cute and unique
baby shower invitations
for your special event.
Fast turnaround time too!

Baby Shower Favors & Prizes
About to Hatch TimerFun Favors & Prizes
- About to Hatch Timer
- Gratest Mom!
- Heaven Scent Candle
- Photo Coasters
& more

Baby Trains
Baby Name Train

Wooden baby name trains plus lots of train related and personalized toys.

Star Light, Star Bright
Give them a gift to last a lifetime, name a star after the new baby. An inspiring shower gift.

Uncommon Baby Gifts
Fun Baby Sock Puppets Infant Sock Puppets
Novelty Baby Snapsuits
Necktie Bibs
Safe: Porn for New Moms
and more

Baby Lullabies
Baby LullabyAll your favorite rock music from UR, AC/DC, The Cure and other bands has been turned into sweet lullabies for baby.

Piggy Banks
Piggy banks for BabyCute and fun piggy banks that will help build the baby's savings without breaking your bank!

Babies First Stock
Own a Share of DisneyGive a gift that grows over time, give a share of Disney, Harley Davison or other stocks. Personalized for baby.

Personalized Baby Gifts
Personalized Baby Gifts
Get a soft, cuddley or memorable gift justs for baby - Personal Creations makes it easy.

Babyshower Games 2

Enjoy these additional Babyshower games and as we continue to receive more game ideas from guests like you we will continue to grow our list of baby shower games and activities. 

Printable Baby Shower Games
Printable Shower Games
Baby Shower Party Supplies
Shower Party Supplies

Sales, Promotions and Coupon Codes
Ebags - Diaper Bags, Handbags, more - Current Ebags Coupons & Price Reductions
Party Game Ideas Favor Shop - 5% off Baby Shower Favors. No Code Needed
Personal Creations - Save 25% Off ALL Orders! Use LINK - Ends 10/15/12
Shindigz Party Supplies Free Shipping on $85 Orders. Code WSJK9H - 10/15/12
View All Current Sales & Coupons!

Baby Shower Memory Games

The Tray Game

What you'll need a tray and other household items, examples below.

Everyone is handed a piece of paper and a pen. The object of the game is to see who can remember the most items on the tray. A tray full of items is brought out with a towel over it covering the contents of the tray. The tray is uncovered and placed in the center of the room preferably on a table. The guests have exactly two minutes to look over the tray. The tray can be rotated so that it can be seen from other angles but no touching the contents. After the minute is up everyone writes down what they remember. The person who remembers the most gets a prize. To be successful you should have a lot of things on the tray, and a list of what is on the tray.

Examples of tray contents (should be small, or sample size) Baby shower- pacifier, baby spoon, bib, diaper, qtips, thermometer, diaper rash tube, baby powder, baby sock, pen, invitation, fork, baby comb, ball, regular or plastic keys, can opener, jar of baby food, barrette, extra large safety pin, crayon or small box of crayons... etc Thanks - Melvina

Tray Game Variation
Have the person go around the room with baby items on it as planned, but instead of asking questions about the items on the tray ask the questions about how the person carrying the tray is dressed! FYI - Have the person carrying the tray leave the room before asking questions about them.
It always gets a great laugh!! Thanks - Eileen

Clothesline Game
Hang baby items on a piece of rope. Tell people to exam carefully and then walk out of the room with the rope and items. When you come back into the room, most people will think you want them to have memorized the items so they can write them down. Fool them by asking how long the rope was. Thanks - Kate L. - Schofield, WI

Printable Baby Shower Memory Games
We also found these printable memory games online, they are easy, fun and best of all you can start playing them in just a few minutes.
And Mommy Wore - Challeng Guests to Remember What the Mom is wearing.
Baby Memory Challenge - Guests are Challenged to remember toybox items.
Name that Nursery Rhyme - How well do you recall your childhood, find out.
Find these and more Printable Baby Shower Games here.
Creative Games for Baby Showers

Make a Baby

Give everyone 1 white paper cake plate, 1 stick of gum, and 1 colored napkin.
Using a stop watch or clock, have everyone make a baby out of the 3 items!!! After time is up (1-3 minutes), place all plates on a table or floor and have mommy to be choose the cutest one - to win a small prize!!
Thanks - Monica, San Pedro CA

Draw The Baby
Each guest receives a paper plate and a writing utensil, the paper plate is placed on top of each guests own head. They must then accomplish the following task - draw a picture of the mother-to-be's baby while the plate remains on their head. (Have a camera ready, because everyone is going to look a little silly doing this) They are not allowed to look and continue. Once  they remove the plate, they are done. After everyone has finished, the hostess collects the plates and hands them to the mommy-to-be for judging. She then chooses which "baby" she likes the most (cutest, funniest, whatever the mother decides as a basis) and that person wins the prize. You must imagine how some of these babies turn out, remember, you're not looking!
Thanks - April, Whittier CA

Diaper Art Show
Ask guests to bring a box of diapers to the shower, then the hosts can supply the rubber bands, clips and any other accessories (like paper or craft store eyes and fun stuff).

Then it is announced that there will be a Special Art Show today and the judge will be the Guest of Honor the new Mom. However, the artist who was scheduled to show his art had a flat tire and could not make it, luckily for us you have all volunteered to step in and take his place.

Now let them know that they must grab the diapers that they brought with them and proceed to a work area located (some where in the house). At each work station you will provide the same number of rubber bands, clips and accessories to everyone.

Now everyone is going to be a little stunned, but press forward and announce the rules of the competition.
1. You can use only the diapers you brought and the supplies at your work station. (if some one forgot have some spare and they each get 10 – 20 diapers to work with)
2. I will pass out sculpt cards and when I say go flip over that card and begin to sculpt.
3. You will have 3, 4, 5 minutes to complete your sculpture for the judge
4. Once time is up the judge with review, comment and select the winner

We recommend that this game last 20 – 30 minutes and that you have 4 – 6 rounds. It is sure to produce some interesting results.

Sculpt Ideas:
Baby, Elephant, Flower, Pregnant Mom, and for the last one let it be sculptor’s choice but the sculptor must write down what the item is before they begin sculpting with the diapers.

Baby Shower Guessing Games

Mystery Guess

Place odd shaped baby related objects in brown paper bags. The guests have to guess what is in each bag without opening it.

Name the White Stuff
Place 10 different white powdered substances in sealed numbered plastic bags. Use things like Flour, Powdered Milk, Baby Powder, etc. Have them out for the guests to see, and guess what is in each bag. I have made a game sheet with 10 items to use, and a blank form for the guests to fill out.

Baby Bottle Jelly Bean Guess
Fill a baby bottle with jelly beans or nuts, and have the guests guess the number it took to fill it.
Pass the Diaper
Take a newborn diaper and put  5 little baby items in the diaper and close it up. Have the guests pass the diaper around and guess what is in the diaper. The one to guess the most items wins. Thanks - Kim - Summerville, SC
Photo Game
TCollect a baby photo from each guest and one of the mother, display them and have the guests try and pick which photo is the mother when she was a baby.
Measure Mommy
Pass out yarn, string, or toilet paper and have the guests take off the amount they think will fit around a part of mommy's body. (Everyone will think it is going to be her tummy, but instead use her head, neck, or ankle!)
Baby Showers Games of Chance

Pass The Box
This is really fun, Take a small gift, like a pretty candle and place it in a box, then gift wrap it, but keep wrapping it with different layers of gift wrap. Play some music while passing the present around, when the music stops, the guest left holding it unwraps the first layer of wrapping paper, then the music starts again and the box is passed, then every time the music stops, another layer is removed until someone finally unwraps the very last layer and that is the winner. Thanks - Marylou, Wyoming
Things in your Purse Game
All each guest needs is their own purse. Before the quest arrives make a list of things you would expect to find in a purse. Examples include a comb, lipstick, credit card, etc.. To play: Have everyone get their purse, have one person call off the things on list one at a time until all the items have been called. The person with the most items on the list wins a prize. Thanks - Yolanda, Capital Heights - MD
There is also a Printable version Things in Mommy's Purse
Baby Showers Activities

Create a Keepsake
Buy a flannel baby blanket, and some pastel colored permanent fabric markers. You will also need an embroidery hoop, to help hold the blanket tight. During the course of the shower pass around the blanket and markers and let everyone "autograph" the blanket, or draw, or and add any comments for the "baby to be". You'll get some great and personal responses were so, it will be something that "baby" or mom can keep forever. Thanks - Diana
Baby's First Bank / Build the Bank
Before the shower ask everyone to bring some spare change. At the shower, I passed around a plastic baby bottle or you could bring a piggy bank and everyone put in their spare change out of their pockets or purses. As the bottle gets passed around, have each guest give a piece of advice for the new mother. This should be loud enough so all the guests could hear. Then the money and bottle were given to the new mom to start the baby a savings account. It was a fun little thing for the mom to bring home. Thanks - Delinda

Give everyone a name tag to wear when they arrive. On the name tag you put name of different baby items like: bib, baby bottle, crib, stroller, formula, etc. During the shower everyone must call everyone by the item on the name tag rather than their real name. Whoever calls the person by her real name intead of the baby item name has to pay .50 cents and put it in the piggy bank. If the shower is big, this can add up to be a great start for a savings account. Thanks - Mina
Create a Baby Library
Place a note inside the baby shower invitation for everyone to bring a child's book to the shower. This is used to start the baby's library with. The mother-to-be will go home with a stack of everyone's favorite books. You can also stamped each book with a rubber stamp that says "From the Library of ______________" and after the baby is born the mom can write in the baby's name. Thanks - Delinda
More Baby Shower Games
Baby Shower Games 1 - Baby Shower Bingo, Word Scrambles, Food, Diapers, more
Baby Shower Games 2 - Memory Games, Drawing, Guessing, Creative Games...
More Baby Shower Games at Party Game Ideas

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